New Machine
For nearly 20 years Bruce Fowler has developed & grown the V Machine into one of the most widely accepted designs in surfboard history. Often referred simply as "the surfboard that works", the V Machine is one of the most Versatile, User Friendly Surfboard Designs ever devised. This uber popular design caters to all skill levels of surfers.
The combination of Flat Bottom & Panel V makes for a very Fast Stable Surfboard that loves to lay over & hold Rail for Long Carving Turns. "They Paddle Fast, Get into Waves Early & Make Difficult Sections with Ease.... they have lots of forgiving Volume yet surf quite Nimble..."
The V Machine continues to be ridden All Over the World, from one foot Malibu Mush to exotic 12 ft. Tropical Superspots. The Design works equally well as a Tri Fin or Four Fin Quad.
The 2nd Generation Sister Ship, "The New Machine" has a refined Foil, 2x the Panel Vee & BF's Secret Sauce for those seeking a V Machine on steroids. Both remain a Must Addition to any Serious Surfer's Quiver.
This is Bruce’s homage to the stubbies of yesteryear. The “Mini” is the length, and the “MAX” is the girth, which provides a lot of volume for heavier riders. The MiniMAX can be ridden as a dedicated tri fin, quad, or five fin option.
Sizes: 5'2" to 6'6"
Bottom Contour: Flow through concave to V in tail
Tail: Squash
Five Fin is Standard
Finish: Sand Finish
Price: $795.00 and up
Mega MiniMAX is the newest addition to this model! By popular demand the size range has been increased up to 7'4", and the response has been fantastic. A 7'4" Mega now has as much volume as the 8'0" V Machine!
Fountain of Youth
Over a period of 6 years Bruce Fowler redesigned & refined the original Stoker V Machine resulting in this easy to ride design becoming a worldwide sensation. BF's sophisticated yet simple bottom & foil design improves surfers of all skill sets ability to carry speed thru maneuvers while upping the fun factor.
Sizes: 4'6" to 8'6”
Bottom Contour: Flat to V in tail
Tail: Squash
Fins: Thruster, quad or five fin
Finish: Sand Finish
Price: $795.00 and up
Fountain of Youth Round Pin
Fountain of Youth Surfboards by Bruce Fowler offer a variety of models with more being added as they are developed and proven. Pictured here is a go to round pin that is reliable and easy to ride in a wide variety of wave situations. Available in all sizes with BF's optional Bump or Wing which reduces the overall tail area for more hold and maneuverability.
The Convertible
The Convertible is designed to work equally well as a twin fin, tri, quad or twin & quad keel setup. Not every surfer has the bucks for a quiver, and this is a good alternative for someone on a budget seeking a variety of rides. Available in Single & Double Wing versions.
V8 Lean Machine
The V8 continues Bruce Fowler's 5 year design campaign exploring what he terms
"The Possibilities of the In Between".
Harkening back to the original Aussie V Bottoms, Fowler retained the best attributes from the short lived design while incorporating a modern foil and some heady plane geometry. A healthy dose of "secret sauce" has produced one unique and ultra fun wave catching speed demon that has garnered rave reviews in California, Florida, New York & Japan.
"This lean machine is designed to be turned from the middle, with control and stability coming from a forward position: quite the opposite to most of today's surfboard designs. The V8 V-Bottom is NOT a longboard or a displacement hull! Everything behind the trailing edge of the fin is about quick release, allowing for carving rail turns and incomparable speeds in small soft surf. V8's can also deliver some fresh impressive surfing on larger flat faced waves."
The Standard
The Standard is a time tested proven design that yields a predictable performance coupled with superior wave catching abilities.
This is your go to board for every day conditions that feels like that favorite old shoe you want to wear every day.
The new Standard has increased tail curve with reduced rail and tail block area making for a more vertically inclined machine. The forward section is relaxed for early wave entry combined with excellent forward trim speed and lift.
The Standard is an easy riding, half step up from the Plain Jane and will not disappoint.
Width: Varies
Thickness: Varies
Bottom Contour: Flow through concave
Tail: Squash
Fins: Thruster, quad or five fins. Futures Fins systems, FCS Fusion is optional
Finish: Sand Finish, gloss and polish
Price: $795.00 and up